1. General Information
The information on the corporate website ( hereafter referred to as "The Website" ) is designed and posted to disclose corporate information of Hèiris Group Holdings Inc. ( hereafter referred to as "the company" ).
For data conversion to post information, we exercise sufficient care using experts.
However, please understand that information may contain error(s) due to "false alteration" by a third party, "mechanical faults" due to machine malfunctions, and other force majeure.
All the information is "the information as of the date it is released" Therefore, please also understand that the information may be different from the day the information is accessed.

2. Guarantee and Limitation of Liability
The website usage is to be conducted based on the customer’s own responsibility.
The documents, pictures, illustrations, videos, software, links, and other information posted on the website are carefully created and managed.
However, please note in advance that the company “does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all information.”
The company may change whole or part of the content posted on the website without any prior notice to the customer. There is also no guarantee that the company will update the website.
The company bears no responsibility for any damage that occurred from the information ( including data ) customers obtained from the website.
The company also bears no responsibility for any damage caused by using various information obtained from other websites on the website and URLs set on the website
( including URLs from the website ). The website may not be used as intended due to the network environment or the computer environment of customers.
The company may temporarily suspend or terminate the website without any prior notice to the customer.

3. Copyrights
Documents, pictures, music, videos, logos, and software on the website are protected under various rights, including copyrights and trademark rights owned
by the company or granted-right to usage by the right holder.
The documents, pictures, music, videos, and logos posted are only for the usage "for third party viewable environment" Displays, copying,
and printing are permitted on the "premise" that there is no misappropriation, usage for profit, and is limited to personal usage. However, no alteration is permitted.
Even in the conditions above, the "licenses" related to various rights are not erased, and the company does not license each right, copyrights, or trademark rights to a third party.

4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction.
The company manages all the information on the website.
The website can be accessed worldwide with different governing laws.
However, those who access the website and the company agree to "be bound by the laws of Japan and the regulations of Tokyo" when using the website.
The company does not indicate or display on the website whether the contents are appropriate in the environment of those who access the website.
Access to the website is deemed to be conducted out of free will, and the responsibility for the website lies with those who access the website.
All disputes related to the website’s usage will be solved through the "Tokyo district court serving as the first court of exclusive jurisdiction" unless otherwise specified.

5. Cookies ( Cookies )
The website may use cookies ( Cookies ) when customers revisit the website.
Cookies are information sent by the website to customers’ internet browsing software ( browser ) and are temporarily stored in computer devices and other devices.
However, the recorded information does not include personally identifiable information of customers such as names, addresses, or phone numbers.
Cookies do not negatively affect the computer devices of customers.
It can be "declined" if customers change the setting on the internet browsing software themselves.

Regarding this matter
Inquiry:Headquarters "Legal Office"

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