Hèiris Group Holdings Inc. ( hereafter referred to as "The company" ) in accordance with the "Guidelines for Preventing Damage Caused by Antisocial Forces" formulated by the government, has established a basic policy against antisocial forces.
The Company declares to establish a system to realize these policies and ensure the appropriateness and the soundness of the business.

1. The Company shall not have any relationship with antisocial forces, including business transactions.
2. The Company rejects all unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.
3. The Company deals with unreasonable demands from antisocial forces as the whole group and implements legal measures from both civil and criminal venues.
4. The Company will prepare against unreasonable demands from antisocial forces by building cooperative relationships with the police, the National Center for the Elimination of Boryokudan, lawyers, and external specialized agencies.
5. The Company will not provide any funds to antisocial forces.
6. The Company will always be vigilant against intervention by antisocial forces and ensure the safety of employees as the first priority.
7. The Company's board members and employees shall abide by this basic policy as well as laws and regulations and not associate or interact with antisocial forces members and avoid any actions that may lead to a suspicion of such a relationship.

June 1st, 2020:Enacted
October 1st 2021:Revised

Hèiris Group Holdings Inc.
Founder and CEO, Kiyoshi Hashikawa

Regarding this matter
Inquiry:Headquarters "Legal Office"

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